I am the Source. I decide. ™
I am the Source. I Decide.™. ~Jini
I've been given the choice to fully participate in the illusion and perception of my reality around me or tap in the omnipresence that has always been with me.
Believing in my perception of reality I kept perpetuating the very things I did not want.
We are creators, whether we tap into our God given powers or tap in the illusion the choice as always been ours.

I am the Source. I Decide.™. ~Jini
I decide to give my power away to the illusion or tap into the Source of who and what I really am, a reflection of God. Like a. prism, I can let God shine through me or I can cut off my unlimited supply.
When we say, ‘I surrender and let God’, the ego/personality that we call ourselves fears death. It has been given free reign over our lives, and without our conscious knowledge of this has created havoc in our lives. The ego only has access to the illusion of life and the personality. It doesn’t have awareness of anything more. So, anything that threatens its power is seen as dead and we perceive this as fear.
When we quiet the mind through various means to the omnipresence that’s always with us, we begin to see life for what it is — a reflection of our previous beliefs.
Therefore, in order to change the looping of this illusion, we need to create a new reality. We do this through inspiration and the feeling (as fuel) of this new reality. We begin to live though that reality until it reflects back to us.
Then we live life with a knowing that all things are and will be fine. We relax and just focus on what is our next inspired action. We ask ourselves, what is the most important activity I can take today that will guide me and move me into my desired reality. What would I think, what would I feel, who would I be Being, what would I smell, and what would I see?
You can step into that reality at any time. You do not need to see it manifest in this illusion to experience now. Bring that feeling into your day as you go through your daily activities.
Like Zen Buddhism proverb: Before enlightenment, chop wood – carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood – carry water, starts to take on a new meaning.
If this message resonates with you and you're ready to dive deeper into spiritual wisdom and transformation, I invite you to visit Pearls of Wisdom by Jini. Discover more insights, inspiration, and tools to help you tap into the Source within and live a life of true alignment and purpose.